Monday, 24 June 2013

Cookies for breakfast!

Who doesn't love cookies?!  What about cookies for breakfast?  No, this isn't some cruel joke.  What it is is a delicious breakfast treat!

What you need:
1 medium-ripe banana
1 chia egg
1/3 cup equal parts rice/oat flour (I used black rice, but brown would work too!)
1/4 cup almond meal
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3 tsp raw honey
1 1/2 tbsp natural peanut butter
1/2 tsp equal parts baking powder and baking soda
1 pinch sea salt
1 tsp virgin coconut oil
Chocolate chips or fresh/dried fruit to taste

Bon appétit!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

That time I had an MRI

I'm claustrophobic.  Like, really claustrophobic.  Sweaty palms, panic, racing thoughts... The whole nine.  So, the idea of being slowly pulled into a cold plastic and metal cocoon was not high on my list of fun things to do with a Friday afternoon.  What if this hospital suddenly loses power and I'm trapped in this tube foreverrrrrrrr?!  You might be thinking "you could just crawl out, Talia." - I could... But WHAT IF a piece of the ceiling caves in and I'm trapped?!?  What if there's a... fire!!  What if the technicians forget about me!?!  So irrational.

So, I had an MRI. 

A sports medicine doctor wanted to get a closer look at my hips to try and determine how someone who is as active as I am... And who, as a dancer, once had fairly impressive flexibility and range of motion in my hip joints, suddenly has chronic aching, clicking and restricted range.  After months of waiting, my excitement at possibly getting some answers and maybe a prognosis and a shiny new treatment plan to match was peppered by my irrational fear of small spaces.  But, as always, my determination conquers all.  It's amazing what you learn about yourself when you're pushed out of your comfort zone and have to adapt.  I learned, among other things, that I can rock the Summer 2013 line of burlap hospital gowns... Opening at the back, obv.  I also learned that the experience was much like being inside a beatbox for 1 hour.  Varying frequencies of magnetic pulses sounds something like techno beats.  A few times between shots I could hear the technician saying something muffled to me through my fancy headphones which I imagined to be "REMIX" to which I would respond with fist pumping and "sssssssssick beatsssss".  Ok, none of that happened... But I came close to laughing a few times imagining that it did! (An hour is a long time to be deprived of sensory stimulation)

I didn't panic!!  Big thanks to yoga for teaching me about body awareness, the power of breath, meditation and relaxation.  Without those skills I would have needed to be sedated for sure!!  Now, I wait for the results...

Saturday, 15 June 2013

DIY cherry tomato sauce!

In an effort to stay away from processed/premade pasta sauces, I developed this delicious recipe over time (trial and error) and now it's a staple.  It's really easy and delicious and the best part is: this sauce can be made by mostly using things you already probably have lying around the kitchen!

What you need:
1 tsp fresh ground sea salt
1 tbsp Italian style herbs/seasoning (basil, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, thyme)
2 tbsp minced garlic (or to taste)
1/4 cup finely diced onion
1/4 cup olive oil
1 pint washed and drained cherry tomatoes

Add all the ingredients to a pan over medium heat and allow to come to a simmer.  Allow cherry tomatoes to simmer covered (stirring occasionally) until the skins start to 'pop' and then start to mash the tomatoes with the back of your spatula.  Once all the tomatoes are mashed/have popped, continue to simmer on low for about 5 minutes.  Add spices/seasoning to taste.  Serve with quinoa, rice, on pizza or your fav pasta!

Bon appétit!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Lemon Poppyseed Overnight Oats

I never really get tired of overnight oats.  Some days I feel as though I could eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  They're so versatile... some days, they're even the perfect dessert.  Like this one, it's super healthy and also REALLY yummy!

1/2 cup oats
1 cup milk or nut/grain milk
1 tbsp poppyseeds
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 drop vanilla extract
1 tbsp lemon zest (I used a cheese grater to grate a lemon peel)
1 tsp lemon juice (freshly squeezed, obviously!)
1 tbsp raw honey

Pictured topped with strawberries and walnut pieces.

Bon Appétit!

Friday, 7 June 2013


I feel like everyone is talking about this and I think it's an important topic, so I'm going to talk about it too! So first of all, for those of you who are totally new to this concept, let's think of it this way:

You're driving a car blindfolded (I know, I know, stay with me) 
being guided by a passenger you really don't know very well 
but for some reason this night, you trust him.  
You're heading towards an intersection and your light is red but the 
passenger doesn't see any cars coming so he tells you to keep driving.  
You didn't get in a horrible fatal car accident this time
but the traffic cam did go off and you get a ticket for running 
a red in the mail 2 weeks later.

Crazy story, right?
Now, let's think for a second about how we do our grocery shopping.  We're wandering the aisles of our local grocer and we know we don't feel like cooking during the week so we are going to pick up some ready made items that are advertising themselves as: "Gluten-free", "Healthy", "Fat-free", "Sugar-free", "Zero-calories", "Fortified with..."... Healthy, right?

Did you actually look at the list of ingredients?  Probably not.  So now you're kind of like the blindfolded driver from my earlier scenario.  The package tells you it's "healthy" and you trust it.

Let's take yogurt, for instance.  You like your yogurt sweetened right?  I don't blame you... natural yogurt flavour is bitter and to be quite honest: I'm not a big fan myself (I generally opt for the full fat unsweetened option and add raw honey, in case you were wondering).  So you (and me too!!) want sweetened yogurt, but your latest fad diet told you fat and sugar is a big no, no.  Maybe you haven't really given much thought to what gives natural yogurt it's creamy texture, I'm going to tell you... and the answer might make your corneas explode for a second: it's FAT.  *gasp*.  So, if we're taking the fat content out of our yogurt how are we going to replicate that creamy texture?  Here are some options: corn starch, gelatin, pectin, carrageenan.  You can argue both ways for these ingredients (and people obviously have strong feelings both ways) and my goal here is not to start an argument, just present a perspective that maybe gets you thinking about this stuff if you're interested but haven't been inclined to think about this stuff before.  Technically, none of these items are naturally occurring on their own in nature (anyone harvested a gelatin tree recently?) and as food packages never explain where they have extracted these additives from, you really can't be sure where they came from or how natural they are by the time they reach your lips... or what chemicals were used during the extraction process.  The last thing I'll say about these items is that carrageenan is likely a carcinogen that causes inflammation in the digestive system (  Now the sweetness.  If we're not using white sugar (which isn't great for you anyway), let's look at a few of the additives food manufacturers might use in place of sugar: Aspartame, Sucralose (think Splenda), Xylitol... If you haven't been living under a rock, you are probably aware of the controversy surrounding Aspartame.  Aspartame has been linked to cancer, neurological and psychological complications.  While many agencies will continue to preach that Aspartame is safe for human consumption "at current levels", it should be noted that many studies are commissioned by the organizations who will benefit from the use and sale of Aspartame.  Further, it is 100% chemical derived... meaning it didn't originate in an item that was edible in the first place.  Sucralose comes from edible origins, unlike Aspartame, but it is processed using chlorine, which doesn't come from anything edible and is, again, a chemical.  Finally, Xylitol, like Sucralose, does have edible origins but is generally extracted from hardwoods or corn cobs and then chemically processed.

So why are we being fed this garbage?  The answer is simple: supply and demand.  People want to stay thin-ish, but they still want to eat McDonalds and donuts and drink loads of beer and sodas and coffee drinks.  So a lot of times, people rationalize their McDonalds, beer and donuts choices on their "cheat" meals and then load their systems up with chemical garbage that satisfies their basic tastes (sweet, fatty, salty) but won't add to their waistline.

So... now I have thoroughly depressed some of you... how do we free ourselves of this cycle?  We stop thinking of our relationships with food as a cycle of fad diets and start having healthy relationships with our food (shop the perimeter, cook as much as we can, understand what we're eating and where it came from) and treating our bodies well with regular exercise.  This is what our bodies were meant to do.  I know I've just made it sound so simple and if you're coming from a place of chips, ice cream, pop and McDonalds every day, I have to be honest: it really isn't going to be that simple to completely restructure the way you think and feel about food.  You're not alone.  There are a ton of resources available to guide you.  A great starting place is +Meghan Telpner Inc. 's UNdiet , in it, Meghan does a fabulous job of taking you through the process of realigning your relationship to food even if you've been in the junk food world for a long time.  +Alicia Silverstone 's Kind Diet also does a pretty good job of explaining food and how to get what you need out of food.  I should mention that both books are making the case for staying away from animal products and basing your diet on plant-based nutrition and if this is a deterrent for you, I still recommend reading the books and taking what you need out of them in the sense that they provide really solid information about basic nutrition and simple recipes to make your life just a little bit healthier.  They will help give you the building blocks to construct a healthy relationship with food, whether or not you choose to follow the instructions verbatim.

Here's a healthy suggestion to start your day!!  A delicious smoothie!!  .. and this one will satisfy your sweet, salty AND fatty cravings (without aspartame, xylitol, carrageenan or any other chemically derived additive):

1 cup almond milk
1 drop vanilla extract
1 tbsp raw peanut butter
1 tsp raw honey
1/2 banana
1 tsp spirulina (optional)
1 tbsp chia seeds

Add all ingredients to a blender, mix and enjoy in your favourite mug, beer stein, sippy cup or slop trough... :-)

Have a happy day!

Monday, 3 June 2013

Being good feels so bad! Cookie dough porridge!

Being good never felt so bad... Or so easy!!

1/2 cup rolled oats and barley (3 to 1 oats to barley)
1/3 cup coconut milk
1 1/2 tbsp raw honey
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
2 drops pure vanilla extract
1 pinch sea salt
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 handful dark chocolate chips

Combine all the ingredients (except the chocolate chips, we'll add those later) in a food processor and blend.  Put mixture in oven safe bowl and mix in chocolate chips in with a spoon!

I heated this in the oven at 400 degrees for 5 minutes, but it's really good cold as well.

Bon appétit!